Severial days ago i try the openfire xmpp server clustering for our project.
The openfire server 3.6.4 support using oracle coherence 3.3.1.
But, openfire server does not support after oracle coherence license role modification.
So, olajide....@gmail.com was started open-clustering project from google code.
It use shoal clustering platform in glass fish sub project.
But. this project does not support openfire;s current verion. It occur error likes this:
22/Nov/2011 12:04:29 com.sun.enterprise.mgmt.transport.grizzly.GrizzlyTCPConnectorWrapper$CloseControlCallbackHandler onConnect
SEVERE: Connection refused: no further information
Fortunately, this project is open project from google code. and source code down from http://code.google.com/p/open-clustering/source/checkout using subversion.
This source code need recompile using recently openfire library likes openfire verion 3.7.1.
and it need import this openfire library when open clustering java code recompile.
But, open clustering code does nor enough nomally process for openfire clustering.
It has some bug from openfire 3.7.x. So, you have to modified from CoherenceClusteredCacheFactory.java including byte[] nodeID argument.
So. I was modified two java mothod in doClusterTask, doSynchronousClusterTask from
groupHandle.sendMessage( "OpenFire", serializeTask(sct)); to groupHandle.sendMessage(new String(nodeID), "OpenFire", serializeTask(sct));
And I was makes clustering.war file using this code. When that time openfire clustering is normally works.
I will attache this clustering.war file for other people. You will use this file copy in openfire fire plugin directory instead clustering.jar(jivesoftware offer) or clustering.war 1.2.2 (google code open-clustering offer).
Good luck to you for your clustering xmpp server!
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